When Developing Leadership, Integrity is NOT Everything

A recent Linkedin group discussion asked: ‘Given that most of us can master any skill we choose to, with the right support and experience, what makes us attribute ‘high potential’ to some people and not to others?’

I think this is a great question and pertinent to all businesses. I have rated someone as ‘high potential’ when they:

Learning On the Lead – Lesson 1. Leadership Lessons Learnt With Mans Best Friend

The Team Rules Need To Be Understood And Applied By All Members Of The Team

The addition of our dog Jake to the household has forced us to consider our house rules and what will be tolerated / not tolerated by all members of the family.

Would Jake be an inside or outside dog?

  • What rooms will Jake be allowed in?
  • How do we deal with discipline issues with the dog?
  • How do we react when he jumps up on people?
  • What are the rewards for good behaviour?

Executive Leadership Coaching – Kristine Slater Testimonial

‘It took me a while to find a leadership coach I wanted to work with, and I feel incredibly lucky to have come across Michael, who has the right mix between personable but professional and supportive but honest feedback. At first I knew there were areas I wanted to work on, but I couldn’t put my finger on what they were. Michael not only helped me identify these areas, but then grounded and rooted me in my own values, strengths and purpose which has helped realign me with my own goals and direction. “

Executive Leadership Coaching – Francesca MacPherson

‘Leadership coaching with Michael Peiniger has helped me more than I thought it would, I wasn’t sure what to expect but his coaching brought out the leader who was always in me, but perhaps was a little afraid. Michael has taught me to be assertive, organised and efficient, he also guided me to be more open with my team which sometimes means being vulnerable which is a strength I never recognised.