
Equity and Fairness are most definitely core leadership values – for leaders in business as well as the general populace. International Women’s Day. Thank you to Christine Holgate for sharing this powerful video on her Facebook page that I wanted to share here.

Core Leadership Values

The most powerful and frustrating thing about this video is that what is being asked for should already exist within a free and fair society – like Australia. The fact that it doesn’t is an indictment of our current culture, systems, processes and of course leadership – both in Government and business. That half the population has to ask to have these discrimination issues addressed rather than them already exist is the problem.

I encourage all leaders to support what is being asked for:
– Create free and accessible early childhood education and care
– Expand paid parental leave
– ACT on the National plan for First Nations women and girls
– Deliver strong and consistent child sexual assault laws
– Insist employers step up and prevent sexual harassment and bullying
– Establish 10 days paid family and domestic violence leave 
– Support laws to get rid of the gender pay gap.
All women experience inequality. Share now and help to end it.

#safey #respect #equity #IWD

Given the post and video above, we shouldn’t have to say in in 2022, but IMLD is committed to ensuring that all of our leadership programs, executive leadership coaching, executive coaching and leadership workshops promote free and fair treatment of 100% of our society, not just part of it.

Related Articles on Core Leadership Values

How Important Are Your Personal Values To Your Leadership?

Leaders Treat Others How They Would Like To be Treated

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