What does it take to be a great leader? Most would agree ‘ that everyone deserves to work for a great leader’, but many don’t. Many of us work for average or even poor leaders, more focussed on themselves that their team. But who decides what great leadership is in your business or industry?
The truth is, each business (and the culture within it) has a spoken and unspoken set of behaviours that define great leadership. More often than not:
? Poor leaders – are the only ones speaking (often about themselves)
? Good leaders – speak and listen (and are willing to learn as well as own mistakes)
? Great leaders – speak, listen and adapt their behaviours to the needs of their business and team.
Do you work for a poor, a good or a great leader?
If you are the leader, what will you do today that will make a positive impact for your team and its team members? Great leadership behaviours can start today
#leadership #leadershipdevelopment #coaching #leader #developingleaders #IMLD
Want to Develop Your Great Leadership Qualities?
Do you know what impact that knowledge (or lack of) is having on your team and business?
If you would like to know what leadership strengths you can leverage further, get in touch to book in for a Velocity Leadership CheckPoint and debrief today.