When it comes to leading your business, lets ask an honest question and look for an honest answer. What would you rate your team and business out of ??
?How important are your numbers? As Melbourne hits its 6th 0️⃣,0️⃣ ‘donut’ day for COVID infections, I was reminded of a video that we recorded several months ago – prior to transitioning from Kameleons to IMLD. One simple number impacts the way in which you view your business, your team, and your results. Your number impacts whether you will stay static or drive for better, whether you seek improvement or stay the same.
A 6️⃣ or a 7️⃣ sounds good on the surface, but it is just keeping your head above water in this environment, and you CAN do better.
Consider, a 7️⃣ means:
?You don’t hold to account 3️⃣ out of ? times,
?You don’t deliver on deadlines 3️⃣ out of ? times,
?You feedback and communication doesn’t land 3️⃣ out of ? times.
Is a 6️⃣ or a 7️⃣ good enough for your team or you business? What will you do TODAY to impact it?