
How do your behave when you are stressed and tired? As leaders, we should know our strengths and weaknesses, particularly when we aren’t at 100%. For me, it is excuses, excuses, and then an awful feeling of shame for not accepting responsibility in the first place. When under stress and tired, even as a leader, these are my default responses that I have to fight against to be more responsible.
Hard to say and harder to acknowledge, but in knowing I can address the behaviour and make better decisions.
What default responses do you fight against when it comes to your team?
Do you:
? Blame others?
? Go lenient on actions where you should be firmer?
? Make excuses for your behaviour or that of others?
? Exonerate behaviour (pretend it didn’t happen when you know it did)?
? Defend your actions or behaviour when you know it should change?
? Shame yourself for your actions you know should be better?

Leaders Understand Their Strengths and Weaknesses

Understanding which of the ‘BLEEDS’ behaviours are your default provides individuals, leaders and team members with a distinct advantage – they can take responsibility and do something about it. Why BLEEDS? Because these behaviours can act like an open wound for a team, rarely spoken about but quietly sapping team members of energy and drive. They can be insidious if not addressed – and the first step is to acknowledge their existence.

Which of the BLEEDS behaviours is your default when under pressure and stress?

And they exist in everyone – without exception.
Teams that understand each others default BLEEDS behaviours can stand for something better, and provide a gift for their team members – clear feedback when they are behaving below their best and that they can change it.
Often, we are in a BLEEDS behaviour and we don’t know it – but the team members around us know clearly – they are often on the receiving end.
When teams can be open, honest and clear with each other regarding team behaviours, the whole team is more efficient and effective.
The first step to this open and honest team behaviour is to look at your own behaviour when it is not at its best.
When under pressure and stress, which 2 BLEEDS behaviours are your default?
Knowing this, who will you share your understanding with?
What can you plan to do the next time you are aware of your behaviour?

Knowing the default BLEEDS behaviours, what to do about them – for yourself and your team members – is what good leaders are capable of.

Want To Improve Your Leadership Strengths and Weaknesses?

AIR/BLEEDS behaviours, and many other modern leadership models and needs, are covered in Developing Leaders Executive Leadership Coaching, workshops and leadership programs. Enquire HERE to learn more.