
On Monday 28th October at 11am, Michael will be going live on Youtube with Mat Bankes of the The Daily Bee, discussing all things related to building high-performing teams.

It takes a little bit more than motivation to develop a team from average, to good, to high performing.

In this Youtube discussion, Michael will cover off the 5 areas of focus that can help develop your team to high-performance.

  • Develop alignment with vision and values,
  • Develop self-awareness and reflection,
  • Develop task achievement, execution & responsibility,
  • Develop team altitude, feedback and accountability, and
  • Develop adaptability and the relationship with the external environment.

Michael will draw upon his 14 years of experience in the Air Force (including time as the Chief Instructor at the Air Force’s Officer Training School), as well as his 15 years leading Kameleons – Developing Leaders consulting with executives and small business leaders to provide some practical and simple to follow ideas for taking your team to high-performance.

Click HERE at 11.30 on Monday 28th October at 11am to watch and listen.