The Best Leadership Assessment Tools To Start 2024
What are the best leadership assessment tools to assist you in becoming a better leader? Understanding your strengths and areas of development as a leader is the first step.
What are the best leadership assessment tools to assist you in becoming a better leader? Understanding your strengths and areas of development as a leader is the first step.
What are the best leadership assessment tools to assist you in becoming a better leader? Understanding your strengths and areas of development as a leader is the first step.
Whether it be through reading, listening, private reflection, executive coaching, group workshops, psychometric tools, talking with peers, mentoring with your boss or learning on the job – great leaders are open to new ideas and always acknowledge that they can learn more.
The Velocity Leadership Checkpoint is just that – it is an opportunity to see how your leadership performing at a moment in time.
One of the best parts of working in the leadership / team /culture space is that I get to work with some truly dedicated people seeking to make a positive change for their business.
I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with the senior leadership team at Office Choice Ltd this week for the High Performance Teams workshop. These guys already perform at a strong level and wanted to challenge themselves to perform higher, looking at what crucial conversations and actions they can take to sustain behaviour at the top level.
Thank you Brad O’Brien, Jamie Keyzer, Cameron Osborne, David Williamson, Tilley Raftopoulos and Amanda Vaughan, it was an absolute joy to have worked with you all.
#leadership #crucialconversations #highperformanceteams #developingleaders
What can you start doing, stop doing, do more of or do less of for your team to be high performing?