I love to talk about leadership! It was a pleasure to chat with Jack Waddell from Own Your Success as part of the Own Your Success podcast series. There are so many things that a leader needs to be across and aware of, even before considering their own behaviour.
I was asked a relatively simple question – what is the most important leadership trait that a leader can possess right now? ?
Of course – the answer could have been Vision, Purpose, Integrity, Professionalism or Responsibility. It could have been Humility, Empathy, Teamwork, Communication or Confidence. Any of those are important traits for a leader.
At this moment though, my most important leadership trait – CURIOSITY.
I know, this isn’t normally at the top of the list of leadership qualities. Who are we kidding, it isn’t normally on the list of the top 25 traits!
If you have the time, take a moment to hear why on the podcast, and why I believe CURIOSITY is a base behaviour for so many other important leadership qualities (like Purpose, Communication, Empathy and Responsibility) that are needed for 2021 / 2022.
To listen to the podcast, click HERE or on the Image below