Unpopular Opinion: The FUNCTION of leadership is NOT to produce more leaders. The FUNCTION of Leadership is to SERVE AND LEAD YOUR PEOPLE WELL. The function is to provide a clear vision, develop a plan, communicate clearly, are for your team, develop their skills and create an environment for good work.
A recent post from Leadership First stated below:
If, through that process and your example, you have team members that look to develop their skills further to become a leader – fantastic! But that is not your function – it is a wonderful byproduct of your function.
To state that your function is to produce more leaders is to ignore 80-90% of your team – the people that you lead!
Imagine stating that the function of money is to produce more money, or that the function of a Royal Family is to produce more Royals. Some may agree – yet the purpose of both of those things is to do more that replicate itself – it is to SERVE a higher purpose and create something bigger than itself,
If you see the function / focus of your leadership is to produce more leaders, you are doing yourself – and the people you are supposed to serve – a major disservice.
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