
We surveyed over a hundred of our Performance Management Essentials workshop participants, and here are at the areas they struggled with in regards to performance management and having difficult / crucial conversations:

  • Not having confidence in being able to do it ‘right’ within HR limitations
  • Not knowing the ‘right’ words, and not wanting to cause offence
  • Not having a clear structure for the conversation
  • Concern over how the other person will respond (meek, bullying, arguing)
  • Not knowing how to adapt to the other persons communication style
  • Don’t know how to convince people to change behaviour
  • Needing to discuss poor performance without having them perform worse
  • Not wanting to make the situation worse, sometimes easier to avoid

Do any of these sound like behaviours or situations that you have experienced at work?

Today more than ever, leaders, managers and small business owners are struggling to have honest, open and CRUCIAL conversations with staff regarding performance. No matter what your industry or profession, you can’t afford NOT to have conversations that make a difference. But to have these conversations, you have to know what to say, when and how – and have the confidence to know you can do it well.

And this seems to be the problem. 

In tomorrow’s blog I’ll discuss some of the simple steps you can take to make difficult conversations less so, and providing feedback more routine for better business performance.

In tomorrow’s blog I’ll discuss some of the simple steps you can take to make difficult conversations less so, and providing feedback more routine for better business performance.