
How to choose an effective Executive Leadership Coach. Question 5 – Who else would you recommend? Deciding on an effective leadership coach is a personal preference – you have to feel comfortable that the person will work with you, guide you, encourage you as well as challenge you. If you decide that the persons style doesn’t suit you, can they / will they recommend a leadership coach more suitable? An effective leadership coach knows that they don’t appeal to everyones style and that fit is important. An effective coach in the industry will personally know several other excellent leadership coaches of different styles that they can refer you to. Anyone that can’t is looking more for the sale and less for your welfare, learning and development.

Great Executive Leadership Coaches Know and Recommend Great Coaches

If you are a great executive leadership coach, you know other great leadership coaches. More than that, you know them well enought o recommend them when you know that you aren’t the best fit for a client.

An effective leadership coach knows that they don’t appeal to everyone’s style and that fit is important. An effective coach in the industry will personally know several other effective leadership coaches of different styles that they can refer you to. Anyone that can’t is looking more for the sale and less for your welfare and development.

Great leadership coaches know other great leadership coaches

The Right Executive Leadership Coach For You

There are two very simple yet powerful questions that Developing Leaders Executive Coaches ask potential coaching clients to consider before the engage our services. They are:

  • Do you want to undertake executive coaching (or leadership coaching) with us?
  • Would you like to complete that coaching process with me?

Importantly, they are two distinct questions. Not every coach, nor every coaching provider, is the right fit for everyone looking for coaching. If a potential client doesn’t want to complete executive coaching with an IMLD, we can refer them on to some amazing executive coaches both in Melbourne and in other capital cities in Australia and South East Asia (in fact, in many parts of the world!)

In addition, while someone may love our Velocity Leadership CheckPoint and the leadership coaching that has been outlined, the individual coach may not be the best fit – perhaps the client is looking for someone with different experience, a different outlook, a different way of holding to account or even a different gender. The key is – it is the client choice and the fit of coach and client is important.

What Questions Should I Ask a Prospective Executive Leadership Coach?


  • ‘If you aren’t my best fit as a coach, who else would you recommend and why?’

A credible and experienced leadership coach should be able to provide you with several options of excellent leadership coaches who they would recommend. As all of the IMLD Executive Coaches also have a coach themselves – and have changed coaches multiple times depending on circumstance and need – we have many recommendations of coaches we can attest to through personal experience.

Don't Be Afraid To Ask Specific Questions About The Executive Coaching You Will Get
Your IMLD Coach Can Recommend Several Others Coaches To Ensure the Best Fit For The Coaching Relationship

The 9 Questions To Ask When Choosing An Executive Leadership Coach

These 9 simple questions will help you identify the good from the bad, the amateur from the professional, the executive leadership coach worth paying for compared to the one that is an expensive waste of time.

If you are talking or engaging a coach that can’t answer these 9 questions effectively – walk away! There are plenty of highly effective executive leadership coaches who can – and you deserve to work with someone that can back up what they say with action.


Focussed, personal, confidential, honest and practical – all words that have been used in testimonials to describe Developing Leaders Executive Leadership Coaching. If this sounds like something that could be useful for you or a member of your team, get in touch with us today for a confidential chat about your needs. If you would like to read what other clients experienced and gained through the Executive Leadership Coaching process, check out our LinkedIn recommendationsreviews and testimonials.


7 Reasons To Engage An Executive Coach

How To Choose an Executive Leadership Coach – The 9 Questions to Ask

What Is Executive Coaching?

What Is Executive Leadership Coaching?

How Does Executive Coaching Actually Help Leaders?

What Do Executive Coaching Clients Say About Coaching?