In this episode of Leaders Developing Leaders, we have the pleasure of talking with Zoe Daniel, independent candidate for the Federal seat of Goldstein, prior to the upcoming Federal election on 21 May 2022, to talk all things leadership and team.
In addition to being an independent political candidate, Zoe is a mum, wife, journalist, and foreign correspondent. As a journalist in nearly 30 years of reporting, Zoe covered natural disasters, conflict, economics and politics, and all manner of news around the world. She has seen first-hand the impact of climate change in the Arctic, and has covered floods, typhoons, and bushfires across four continents, including Australia.
Zoe has been a rural and regional journalist, a business and finance reporter, and a foreign affairs specialist, interviewing and interacting with prime ministers, treasurers and some of Australia’s top CEOs and small businesspeople. (For more info on Zoe, visit
In this episode we discuss leadership influences, values and ethics, and what leadership abilities and behaviours are missing from Federal Parliament that Zoe would like to influence if elected. A great chat with a leader seeking to make a difference to the Federal political landscape – enjoy!
#leadership #team #ethics #independentwomen #IMLD #goldsteinvotes #auspol2022 #developingleaders #leadersdevelopingleaders
Interview Summary
If you are looking for the quick notes from the Zoe Daniel interview, here are the key questions and time stamps.
1. (0min 50sec) What leadership behaviour would you most like to influence in Federal parliament?
2. (4min 00sec) What 3 personal values define who you are (or want to become) as a leader / member of Federal Parliament?
3. (10min 30sec) Who are your leadership icons or role models?
4. (13min 45sec) What would you say are your leadership strengths?
5. (15min 45sec) What do you do to manage stress?
6. (17min 15sec) What are your areas or development – or growth points – as a leader?
7. (18min 50sec) What are your communications preferences with your team? (What do you love them to do and what frustrates you)
8. (21min 0sec) What time management ‘hack’ would you pass on to busy leaders seeking to juggle work volume or work / family?
9. (22min 25sec) Current reading, watching or listening – who are you paying attention to right now to develop your leadership knowledge further?
Leaders Developing Leaders
Do you know a small business leader, business owner or executive that has a great insight into leadership? Tell us who they are – we would love to interview them! Leaders Developing Leaders is all about gaining insights into leading and managing others, from those that are doing it right now. From tips, trick and hacks to personal learning and reflection, Leaders Developing Leaders includes insights about leadership for current leaders and managers.
If you know a great leader that others could learn from, reach out and contact Michael at with the details.
Looking to Develop Your Leadership Further?
Do you know your leadership strengths and areas to develop? If not, perhaps the place to start is by completing the Velocity Leadership CheckPoint.
25 behavioural leadership traits, focussed in 5 distinct leadership capabilities – a ‘must know’ for any leader or team looking to drive high performance. The Velocity Leadership CheckPoint and Debrief is the starting point for any of the IMLD Executive Coaching, Executive Leadership Coaching or Emerging Leaders Programs.